Salon, Salon: Fine Art Practices from 1972 to 1982 in Profile - A Beijing Perspective is the third exhibition of From the Issue of Art to the Issue of Position: The Legacy of Socialist Realism in Chinese contemporary art, a research initiated by artist Liu Ding and art critic Carol Yinghua Lu. This research examines the historical narratives and ideological construct of Chinese contemporary art through ongoing exhibitions and writings.
In the reality and narration of history, the emotions and rationality of the individuals, groups and narrators are both part of the historical reality, and the determinants of the ideological foundation, value orientation and actual contents of historical narration. To revisit the historical reality, it is necessary for researchers to recognize the historical legitimacy of the emotion of the participants in specific contexts, and to pay attention to the ruptures, gaps and overlaps between historical narratives and historical realities.
对话嘉宾:闫振铎、庞均 主持:刘鼎、闫博